Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chik Fil-A, really?

Thursday 12:25am - Today at work, the big bosses were coming in, and oftentimes when this happens we get free lunch. And I love me some free food! However, the choice for today was Chik Fil-A. As a new vegetarian and a lover of Chik Fil-A, I was thinking...what the heck do they have that isn't chicken???? And, boy I've always loved their chicken strips!!! I checked their menu out and basically every item comes with chicken, but you can special order without. My manager told the big bosses that we have 2 vegetarians in the group. I get to our meeting today to find that I have a chicken salad waiting for me....sigh.....but, I opened it up, pulled off the chicken and put it on a plate on the table for others to add to their meal. Salad actually ended up being really delicious as they have a yummy spicy dressing! Again, I wasn't crazy tempted to eat the chicken even though I knew would have been a tasty delight.

Aside from sticking to the vegetarian thing, which was not originally intended for weight loss, but has turned into a very good aid in moving in that direction, I'm still doing well. My meals are decent. Yes, we had some free food at work Monday and Tuesday and perhaps I overindulged just a little bit, but I compensated by having a salad with tofu for dinner Monday night and a very simple meatless patty Tuesday night. Also, every morning, I've been eating a good filling, but healthy breakfast. I've been hitting the gym all 5 days a week as planned and trying to be active the other days. I'm at almost 4 lbs down. :-D

I'm hoping by next week, I might be a full 5 lbs down. That would be amazing. If not, that's okay, as long as I keep constant with where I'm at.

Goodnight friends!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 23 as a Pescitarian i.e. vegetarian with a little fish thrown in

Hi Friends!!

I'm actually quite surprised that it's been as easy as it has been to not eat meat dishes. And in not eating meat dishes, I am far less inclined to want to eat fast food because none of them really cater to vegitarians. Beautiful!! One night last week, I was in Castleton, 30 minutes from home, just left the gym and I was starving! On my way home, I kept driving past all these fast food joints and restaurants and all my favorite bad foods were jumping into my head. BWs Spicy Garlic Wings, Chik Fil'A Chicken tenders, pizza, you name it...if I passed a restaurant, I was thinking about the yummy fare I could find there. But, I just kept on driving, came home and ate something in my kitchen.

I've been hitting the gym according to schedule, 5 days a week. I quite like spending a lot of time at the gym. This semester is a decently light one which will allow me to maintain this gym schedule at least till the end of December. Who knows what full-time school will bring? But, that will probably mean less working, so maybe I can still keep up hitting the gym as frequently.

I am 3 lbs down since starting this blog 2 weeks ago. This is good for me. I know I haven't lost any more from last week, but the maintanence aspect is thrilling. :-D

This week I had my first taste of Veggie Bacon. Pretty yummy!! A packet of frozen veggie bacon lasts forever!! If you eat one serving of 2 slices at a time, you have 9 whole servings.
I also bought some Whey Protein powder last week to make some protein shakes with. I'll have to report on how good that is. It doesn't sound very good, but perhaps I'll be pleasantly surprised.

All in all, feeling really good. :-D

Saturday, September 18, 2010

My Life as a House

11:00pm The title of this post is actually a movie name, and while the movie uses the title figuritively, I feel the literal meaning of this phrase applies to me today. I believe it appropriately addresses how I feel about my body right now. I have been very good for all intents and purposes this week. I ate really well, worked out and was even active on my off times. Yes, today, I had some nachos for lunch at Fiesta, which is not as healthy as my other fare, but it's not like I ate like this all week. But aside from my little indulgence, I have been making progress, just wish it felt like it. In one week, I've dropped 3 lbs. I'm going to assume this is water weight and not get too excited until either the loss is maintained, or I continue to see further dropping of weight. I do know it's only been a week, but I just wonder how long it's going to be before I don't feel like a house when I put on an outfit. I did go out during the day today, but was very mindful of my waistline and felt very self conscious. I had a nice day despite this though, thank goodness. I came home and showered to get ready to go out tonight, but I just couldn't find one single thing in my wardrobe that I felt looked nice on me. And, no, it's not that time of the month. :P I do not want to go out and buy 'fat' clothes either. I have things that fit, but you can tell I have some extra curves that ideally shouldn't be there. I don't think much would hide what I want it to. So, I'm stuck feeling like a house until enough change is made to actually see a difference. I wonder how long it will take? How many pounds before I think, "Man, I look nice. I don't have to feel self conscious in what I'm wearing today." Not every day on this journey is a happy happy joy joy day....

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Gym Night #2

Hi Friends!

Today I made it to my 2nd session of the week at the gym [technically 3rd as I did workout Monday when the trainer showed me the moves]. Again, I did a resistance workout and a cardio session. This resistance workout was tough for me. More so than the other one. The move that really kicked my butt was the Single-Leg Standing Dead Lift. Very difficult to keep my balance and it makes my muscles burn!!! But, I made it through. Whew!! Last night I even went dancing. So, an additional cardio workout on top of the 5 day gym regime!

Today, I was exhausted...after getting little sleep Monday and Tuesday night, then Wednesday night going dancing till late. Today, after working out, I came home and napped for a couple of hours. It ruined my evening plans, but, I think I needed the rest. Goal for next week is to get to bed earlier most nights, except for Wednesday, of course. I plan on trying to go dancing every week if I can.

Tomorrow is an easy day workout-wise, just cardio, no strength. I think I can manage that.

I had a good breakfast and lunch today. Came home from the gym and had a few chips with salsa before my nap. I ended up sleeping through dinner and now it's too late to have a meal. Ooops. Not on purpose of course. I'll probably be starving in the morning.

All in all, a pretty good day.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

First Solo Gym Session & YUM YUM Dinner!

Again, didn't sleep well last night. I woke up feeling worn out, headachey, and just not in the mood for much. I didn't have enough time for my breakfast meal of choice, so I ended up taking a packet of instant oatmeal and raspberries to work with me. [this beats the White Castle breakfast sandwich and large coke that I might have eaten before] The oatmeal and raspberries, while not unhealthy, still ended up being a pretty bad breakfast choice as it didn't even hit 200 calories and had no protein to speak of. I was a hungry girl, and as such, when presented with some nummy chocolate and peanut butter buckeyes, I indulged! Ah, cest la vie! Life goes on, right?

I had left my lunch preparation stuff for today's meal at work, so my healthy lunch was just waiting for me! And I had one snack again today instead of two. Darned lack of early rising! See, if I had a fuller breakfast and a mid-morning snack, I might not have so readily downed 4 buckeyes! Maybe I would have stopped at 2! Lesson learned. ;)

After work, I headed off to the gym to do my first workout, 35 min of cardio zone-based training on a treadmill and approximately 45 minutes of strength training. All went pretty well. The cardio workout was good, kind of boring just watching my zones, but since the times in each zone are pretty short, the change ups keep me occupied. Yes, I did feel goofy executing some of the strength moves, but not nearly as goofy as I thought I would. I think next strength session when I have to do the move that looks like a slow-mo run, I'll feel more dorky. I know I will be feeling this tomorrow!

The highlight of my workout today, was while doing by "YTA's" on a Stability Ball, this guy at a machine next to me kept saying to himself "I'm so special. I'm so special." I thought perhaps he was just singing a line to a song to himself, but when I went to do my 2nd set of that exercise, I hear him again saying the same thing. It gave me a chuckle. :) We do whatever it takes to keep ourselves going...reassuring thoughts, symbols, etc. Perhaps thinking the "I'm so special" for him wasn't enough. He might have needed to hear the words to solidify the effect. Maybe I should think of a phrase to boost my spirits and get me through my workout. Ideas?

Now, on to the best part of the day....Dinner!!!! I had this nummy nummy dinner! I didn't even know what I wanted on the way home and wasn't all that excited anticipating my meal. As I pulled up to my house, I decided I would try out my Boca Spicy Chik'n Meatless Patties. Why not? I threw two patties on my little Ultrex grill [generic George Forman] and grabbed a bag of Trader Joes organic microwavable brown rice and popped it in for 3 min. While the Patties and Rice were cooking, I cut up some romaine, tomato, and onion to make a little salad. Everything was done in under 10 min and boy was it tasty!!!! I have struck gold with these Spicy Chik'n Meatless Patties. They are soooo good!!!!

I wanted to take a picture of my dinner because it so beautifully decorated my plate, but my camera was hiding and my stomach was growling. Even better, I prepared enough of all of these items and stored them in tupperware in my fridge to have another meal tomorrow. Just a little warming in the microwave and I'm good to go! This is perfect for tomorrow as I have to be at work at 8am, then after work I go directly downtown for an evening class that gets out at 8:40pm. I don't usually have time to stop at home, but now that I have a prepared meal, I can use a campus microwave and I'm set! I couldn't have planned it better. This makes me happy!

If I can find tasty options that are relatively easy to prepare like this every night for dinner, I might not even miss the crap that I could get at a fast food joint! Plus, if I get used to making dinner for myself, perhaps spending a little more time in the kitchen on some things won't be a big deal. I can build up my kitchen tolerance. My mom would be proud. :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Personal Trainer Meeting

9:00pm -- Today after practically no sleep, I got my butt to work and surprisingly made it through the day brain intact. I ate my healthy breakfast, lunch and one snack as planned. Tomorrow I'll try to make sure to have my two snacks though to keep me from getting too hungry during the day. I had one 12 oz Pepsi at my disposal and only drank around 8 oz. :) Yay!

How do I feel today? Well, this morning my back was giving me some issue, but I believe that was remnant from the Strictly Strength class I took Saturday morning. I'm better now. My head has also been hurting pretty badly all day. This could be caused by several things: barely any sleep, less than optimal water intake, or having less than my usual caffeine intake. Pick one, pick two, or all three! I'm hoping to feel much better tomorrow! Regardless though, I had a decent day, was productive at work, at the gym and even stopped off at the store for some missing items on the way home.

After work, I rushed to the gym as I had set a 5:15pm appt with the trainer. Man, that was cutting it way too close for comfort. Next time, I'm pushing it out to 5:25pm. This trainer is no joke! I guess he's not 'head trainer' for nothing. ;) He is definitely not taking the easy road with the plan he gave me. I have 5 days in the gym a week, 3 of which I am doing both cardio and strength. The other two are just cardio. I have 2 strength workouts which will be alternated and three cardio workouts to follow as well.

The cardio workouts will require me to focus on my Heart Rate and make sure to be in certain training zones for specified intervals. The strength workouts each include 5 pairs of supersets. Each pair is to be done directly one after the other, approximately 18-20 reps of one exercise followed by 18-20 reps of the second, then a very short break and repeat. 2 sets of reps for each exercise. Tonight's focus was making sure I know the proper form to execute all 20 strength moves when I come to the gym to do these workouts on my own. Some of the things he is having me do make me feel like a real arse, however, the moves are really good. I just look like a dufus doing them! One thing that excites me about the moves is that several are balance-based. I could use to strength my core muscles and balance.

Funny moment in the training today -- we were working on the move titled "Floor Bridges". These are basically hip raises while laying back on the floor, feet planted, knees bent. Trainer-man tells me that I can put a foam roller under my feet if I feel the move itself isn't challenging enough. My initial response is, "I probably won't need that because it's not like I do this move all the time" I got the giggles and felt a little silly after making that statement. However, sadly enough, it's true! ;)

So far I don't have any crazy cravings for really unhealthy foods or meat and I feel my schedule is open enough that making it to the gym these days and times shouldn't be an over zealous notion. Does this mean I can feasibly continue eating healthy, planned meals and getting myself to the gym for 1-2 hours, 5 days a week?

Hmm...let's see, shall we?! Tomorrow's breakfast and lunch will be repeats from today's menu. I'll probably have a different snack and dinner. AND tomorrow is Cardio 3 and Strength Workout 2 day!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Big Change - September 3, 2010

Hi Friends! I'm back in action! Woo hoo!

As of September 3rd of this year, I stopped eating land animal flesh. By definition, I am now a 'pescitarian'. A pescitarian is one who eats grains, veggies, fruit, fish, with optional usage of dairy products. I doubt I will be having loads of fish in my diet, as you really aren't to take in more than a couple servings a week due to mercury levels, etc. I won't bore you with my reasons, but thusfar I am happy to have made this change. Will this be a change that I can or will want to maintain for a long period of time? I really don't know. I'm going to go day-by-day and see how I feel.

My first 10 days I still wasn't eating meals prepared at home, so I found myself at my favorite fast food jaunts attempting to construct veggie-friendly meals from their menus. This really isn't the most fun thing to do, which in the end is good as I really don't want fast food to be the staple of my daily nutritional intake! In my short time as a pescitarian, I have noticed something about the way that I am choosing my meals which excites me. I have to think out of the box! I went to a pizza joint with my friend Annette a few days ago and thought to myself....what will I get on my pizza? I always opted for pepperoni and garlic and/or onions. But, since pepperoni isn't on the list anymore, I had to really examine my choices. I ended up with a pizza topped with fontina cheese, ricotta, onion, garlic, and EGGPLANT! Yes, eggplant and it was nummy!

Figuring out what to eat as a pescitarian is pretty hard for me right now. I've got books that I've been reading in my free time along with The Bestlife online meal planner to learn about how to construct my meals. I really want to make sure that I get the right balance of nutrients to be a healthy happy lady! It's so odd for me to see grain as the centerpiece around which I will build my meals instead of a meat product. I'm going to continue reading though and learning. Funny thing is...if I look back at the way I have been eating...I KNOW I wasn't getting proper nutrition then, so any change for the positive is good even if I will have to do some tweaking as I go.

I went to the store this evening and bought food to eat this next week. Sample meals include:

Breakfast: 2 veggie sausage links, 10 raspberries, 4 silver dollar pancakes with syrup, and a cup of milk [I ate this today and yesterday. It was good. I have learned though, be careful when heating faux meats. Overheating leads to hard spots and that's kind of gross]

Lunch: Black bean & avocado wrap with romaine lettuce and salsa & an orange on the side [still need to buy the salsa as Trader Joes was out of my fav salsa this evening]
OR Open-faced wheat toast, with reduced fat peanut butter, banana and honey sandwich with an orange

Dinner: Asparagus risoto with veggie burger and vegetable on side.

Snacks: Greek yogurt with nuts. [I still need to flesh out the snack options.]

I have a couple other options for the week, but I plan on several repeats just to get used to making some of these meals and making sure I use the food I bought instead of letting any go to waste. On the list as well is weaning off the soda. I purchased little 12oz bottles of Pepsi. Goal is to drink only one of them daily and start to wean off as I tend to drink much larger quantities of soda on a regular basis.

Along with the eats, I have a meeting with a personal trainer on Monday. He's going to give me a workout I can do for the next month [since I've been at my gym for 6 months I got a free training session]. I'm looking forward to seeing what he's got in mind. I'm excited and hopeful that I can make this happen, make physical activity the important part of my daily life that it should be. AND make preparing healthy meals at home a standard way of life.

I'm hoping I can also start waking up at a reasonable time so I can actually enjoy breakfast here at home instead of scrambling to get some fast food junk on my way to work.

Sounds like a lot of changes to make at once doesn't it?? I've heard that small changes one at a time are easier to sustain. I figure though, so what if I make an attempt at several changes at once? If I end up keeping a few and having to work at the others down the road, I'm still an improved person for it! Wish me luck!!!

Goodnight Friends! :-D