Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Goal Setting

One important thing to do when losing weight, especially if you have more than 5-10 pounds that you want to lose, like I do, is to set goals along the way. If I look at the weight I want to lose in one big chunk, it would be a bit overwhelming to even grasp. Okay, I'm not THAT huge, but I would say I've got about 30-40 that I'd like to drop. Looking at 30-40 pounds in it's entirety just seems like too much. I know this is not a goal I can accomplish overnight or even in a few months. To make the goal more palatable, I need to set mini-goals that I can construct a time-frame for that doesn't seem like it will be forever from now and will allow me to achieve successes along the way. I hadn't set a mini goal for myself in a while, so it was nice when one fell into my lap. A girlfriend of mine has a big occasion in a month and decided she'd like to lose 5 lbs by around November 22nd. That's a little under 5 weeks. To help motivate her and to get my butt moving on a goal, I told her that I'd join her. I'm excited.

I am going to do what I can to make this happen. Focus on keeping active, keeping my liquid calorie intake at bay along with making sure I have time to construct meals at home. If I don't hit the whole 5 lbs, if I at least get part of the way there, I will still be pleased, but another 5 lbs down would be superb!!!

Got my starting weight this morning. 5lbs to go!!! :-D

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

After a 1 Week Break From the Gym

Hola Friends!

Last week just plain sucked. I would share all the ridiculous details as it's pretty darned funny and pathetic, but nah, I think I'd rather move on. :) Let's just say that if it could have gone wrong, it probably did. On top of sucky things happening, I was also just not feeling the gym. I didn't want to go. The 'feeling sorry for myself' with all the annoyances I was running into, things getting in the way of my time allotment, and just feeling a bit under the weather all interfered. Thank goodness, I had a really nice weekend and am refreshed and ready to get back to it this week. Tonight was my first night back. I did more cardio than I usually do and one of my resistance workouts. My right foot/ankle is giving me some grief though. Silly foot/ankle. I don't really know what it's problem is. I was able to get through the workout despite the discomfort. I'm hoping whatever the kink is works itself out soon.

I plan on getting back there on Thursday and putting in another good workout!!

I am only up 1lb from my previous loss, so I'm still 4 down. I'll take that. :)