Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 23 as a Pescitarian i.e. vegetarian with a little fish thrown in

Hi Friends!!

I'm actually quite surprised that it's been as easy as it has been to not eat meat dishes. And in not eating meat dishes, I am far less inclined to want to eat fast food because none of them really cater to vegitarians. Beautiful!! One night last week, I was in Castleton, 30 minutes from home, just left the gym and I was starving! On my way home, I kept driving past all these fast food joints and restaurants and all my favorite bad foods were jumping into my head. BWs Spicy Garlic Wings, Chik Fil'A Chicken tenders, pizza, you name it...if I passed a restaurant, I was thinking about the yummy fare I could find there. But, I just kept on driving, came home and ate something in my kitchen.

I've been hitting the gym according to schedule, 5 days a week. I quite like spending a lot of time at the gym. This semester is a decently light one which will allow me to maintain this gym schedule at least till the end of December. Who knows what full-time school will bring? But, that will probably mean less working, so maybe I can still keep up hitting the gym as frequently.

I am 3 lbs down since starting this blog 2 weeks ago. This is good for me. I know I haven't lost any more from last week, but the maintanence aspect is thrilling. :-D

This week I had my first taste of Veggie Bacon. Pretty yummy!! A packet of frozen veggie bacon lasts forever!! If you eat one serving of 2 slices at a time, you have 9 whole servings.
I also bought some Whey Protein powder last week to make some protein shakes with. I'll have to report on how good that is. It doesn't sound very good, but perhaps I'll be pleasantly surprised.

All in all, feeling really good. :-D


  1. Awesome job, Nikki! Finally, someone who understands who deprivation lessens the craving for things we probably shouldn't have. I still crave bread, milk products, and beef but because I can't eat them without getting sick to some degree, my cravings are much weaker.

    You're lookin' good girl. Let me know if you are interested in doing a winter workout partnership or something. I'm hunting winter workout buddies now.

  2. Thank you for the compliment! Seriously though, I totally thought I'd be craving everything under the sun, but not really. Only when I'm starved I think my mind wanders to the possibilities. Every now and again, I think about how I used to enjoy certain foods, but it's not a longing, just a general thought. Plus, I'm digging the faux meats. They're actually good!

    You'll have to let me know what kinds of workouts your thinking of doing, what days and where. For now, I'm going to try to keep up the 5 days a week at the gym to keep the momentum, but I know I'm probably going to want more variety, especially in my cardio workouts.
